Adam Levine – Payphone Acoustic + a few thoughts

I am a big fan of Maroon 5. Ever since I heard the album ‘Songs About Jane’, particularly the song ‘Sunday Morning’ I’ve been hooked on them.

Their sound has changed a lot in the last few years, but they are still a great band putting out great songs.

Here is an acoustic version of their single hit ‘Payphone’.

Now, though I share this as it’s a great performance and Adam Levine is a great singer and artist, notice the one or two fluffed notes near the beginning. Makes your butt-clench they’re so out right?

Adam is an excellent singer and more than capable of hitting those notes with ease and great quality, as is demonstrated aptly throughout the rest of the video. The challenge of hitting every note live is far harder than people give singers credit for. We are also held to an incredibly high (arguably unattainable) standard from perfect recordings created from hours and hours of endless takes, spliced from the best bits of each take and mastered to within an inch of their lives.

So I share this not just to share a great performance, but to encourage you that EVERYONE misses notes from time to time, even people who are paid JUST to sing, and who are performing their OWN songs, and only really have to prepare to perform these songs during their working week… so don’t beat yourself up if you miss the odd note. It’s OK!

Now, enjoy!

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