Book of Mormon – ‘I Believe’

I have a lot of students who love musical theatre. Personally I love some songs but as a genre I often find it quite contrived. For example, people feeling sad so they burst into a showstomping number expressing how sad they feel. So, yes… that’s not so realistic.

HOWEVER! certain musicals really grab me. Blues Brothers being a great example, as it’s about a band. And comedic musicals really grab me.

The latest one to grab me is ‘Book of Mormon’. This was written by the same guys responsible for Southpark, so its suitably tongue in cheek as a musical. A student of mine happened to study alongside with someone on the current tour of Book of Mormon and they made me watch it – I was in stitches.

This particular song – ‘I Believe’ – is a statement of facts from the Mormon faith. This song is absolutely killer as both comedy and a piece of music. I love it. I hope you do too.

500 words or less: Five Favourite Lyrics

What are your favourite lyrics?

Now, despite loving singing and songs, and as well as having a near photographic memory, I do find it difficult to pick apart lyrics for an entire song in a first listen – finding favourite lyrics can be tough. So when a lyric really sticks in my mind on first listen I KNOW I’ve got something I want to listen to again and again.

Yes I know the name, sounds a little bit familiar, like a melody to a dream,
Yes I know, he wore the same face the same clothes, but that was so long ago

‘Ghosts’ – Chris Cornell

This one (today) is one of my favourite lyrics because I felt it ‘revealed’ the nature of the whole song in a single phrase (the bridge). I felt it summed up what I felt the whole vibe of the song was about… the idea that someone is looking for a person they knew, but that person has left their old life behind and ‘isn’t there anymore’. Beautiful concept and wonderfully captured in song.

Gentleness, sobriety, so rare in this society, at night a candle’s brighter than the sun
‘Englishman in New York’ – Sting

Ah another set of favourite lyrics. I like this one because for the longest time I didn’t understand the link between the first half of the line and the second half. Then it dawned on me that (at least in my interpretation) that it was meant to convey the idea that being something rare stands out like a sore thumb. Nice combination of literal and metaphorical in the same line as well… a real eye/ear-opener for me.

You can’t trust freedom when it’s not in your hand, when everybody’s fighting for the promised land
‘Civil War’ – Guns N’ Roses

I don’t know what it is about this line that I love, I think it’s the raw visceral energy of the line… coupled with the strong rhyme between ‘hand’ and ‘land’. It just resolves perfectly, both musically and lyrically… yea… it’s a great song!

You never thought you’d be alone, this far down the line, I know what’s been on your mind… you’re afraid it’s all been wasted time
‘Wasted Time’ – The Eagles

This is another one that just transcended words for me, I felt it captured a moment into the life of a person (or both people) coming out of a broken relationship. The idea that the time spent on that relationship is lost, dead, wasted time. But the song wraps around on itself by the end and says ‘y’kno what, maybe it hasn’t all been wasted time’. And I like that ‘turnaround’ aspect… a lot!

But is the best you can be, the best thing to be
‘Crossroads’ – The Offspring

Great songwriters. I just love the play on words. Is the best you can be, really the best thing to be? I stopped paying attention to the song at that point because I was just totally lost in the world of that one lyric. Wonderful stuff.

There we have it, my favourite five lyrics. Why not share yours below?

This is the Moment

Another quick post on some Youtube gold. This one is a rendition of a piece from the musical Jekyll and Hyde – ‘This is the Moment – performed beautifully by Joseph Mahowald. Check it out. The ending makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Beautiful.