John Mayer – In Your Atmosphere

Came across this video of one of my favourite artists the other day. I’ve blogged about him before = the wonderfully talented John Mayer. If you’ve never heard him before, check him out.

Interesting point, his own bad habits with his voice were a major contributing factor to him ending up having major vocal surgery and being unable to sing for the last 18 months or so. Definitely worth working on your voice to avoid this!

Lisa Hannigan – Live Acoustic Folk

I’m currently waiting on a new acoustic guitar to be built by Fylde acoustics guitars in Penrit – Check Fylde Guitars Out Here. Once a quarter or so they send out a newsletter with details of what they and their favoured artists are getting up to, This was a link to one of their talented artists – Lisa Hannigan – performing at Sessie Border Crossing 2012 (no idea where that is!). In any case, this is some really relaxing acoustic folk by a lass with a beautiful voice and gentle playing style. Check it out here!