Sam Smith How Will I Know

Another voice coach in the US brought my attention to Sam Smith How Will I Know cover, i.e. this awesome song – check it out!

Listen to the quality in the voice.

Sure he goes intentionally light towards the top end of his voice, but listen to how it serves the song. There’s the odd two-to-three note riffs, but nothing ostentatious… it’s ALL about the song… and this is rare in today’s world.

Sit back, relax, and let Sam’s dulcet tones soothe your savage beast!

Sam Smith How Will I Know

NOTE: As an aside, this is a GREAT example of a singer who perhaps bucks today’s current trends of singers needing to sound as LOUD and as POWERFUL as possible. Sam has a fantastic voice, but not because his instrument is hyper-developed in terms of volume, power, riffability, etc, but because he has spent time FINDING his voice. He has worked on the weaknesses, capitalised on his strengths, and his instrument is unlike anyone else’s… i.e. his Unique Selling Point IS that he isn’t the same as the current crop of singers.

How awesome is that?! This is a mainstream artist strutting his stuff in a way that is counter to everything we see on the current roster of international singing superstars… so don’t discount your voice just because you don’t sound like singer X – celebrate what you have, build on your strengths and learn to fix your weaknesses, and see how you could have a voice that is as unique and loveable as Sam’s…

Just some food for thought!

(for those who the embedding doesn’t work – here’s a direct link)