Performance Tip #3: How is your WHO reacting when you sing? (Rhonda Carlson Workshop)

Reading time: 4 minutes

Before we go any further, let’s recap some of the material I’ve covered from the workshop with Rhonda Carlson.

In part 1 we established the importance of a specific backstory. This enables you to inhabit the story the song is already telling, and give it nuance and a personal connection.
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Performance Tip #2: Have a specific WHERE and a WHO (Rhonda Carlson Workshop)

Reading time: 3 minutes

In the first performance article we talked about Rhonda Carlson’s advice on having/creating a backstory to whatever song you are going to sing. The more detailed and personally invested you can make the character singing the song, the easier it is to inhabit that story and sell it… but to sell it, you can’t sell it to a blank wall, or even an arbitrary personality. You’ve got to sing the song to an ACTUAL person, ideally in an actual place.
Continue reading “Performance Tip #2: Have a specific WHERE and a WHO (Rhonda Carlson Workshop)”